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  一、 结合加拿大期刊案WTO上诉机构报告,请回答以下问题:
  1. Is there any definition of service in the GATS?
  2. Has the GATS defined the trade in services?
  3. Are split-run editions of periodicals goods or service? Please explain the reason.
  4. Can obligations under GATT 1994 and GATS coexist? Please explain the reason.
  二、 结合欧共体香蕉案III的WTO上诉机构报告,请回答以下问题:
  1. Are the GATS and GATT mutually exclusive?
  2. If the GATS and GATT can be applied to the same measure, how are they applied?
  3. Does "treatment no less favorable" in GATS Article II:1 apply to de facto and de jure discrimination?
  4. Are operator category rules and the special hurricane licenses rules inconsistent with GATS Articles II and XVII? Please explain the reason.
  5. Are the "aims and effects" of a measure relevant in determining whether that measure is inconsistent with GATS Articles II or XVII?
  三、 结合加拿大汽车案WTO上诉机构报告,请回答以下问题:
  1. How to decide whether a certain measure affecting the supply of a service related to a particular good is scrutinized under the GATT 1994 or the GATS, or both?
  2. What are the steps of analysis of the consistency of a measure with GATS Article II:1?
  3. Does GATS Article II:1 requires the comparison of treatment by one Member of "services and services suppliers" of any other Member with treatment of "like" services and service suppliers of "any other country"?
  4. Does the import duty exemption affect wholesale trade services of motor vehicles in Canada?
  四、 结合墨西哥电信案WTO专家组报告,请回答一下问题:
  1. What are the rules for interpreting the schedule of commitments?
  2. Does the Explanatory Note provide "context" of Article 31.2 of the Vienna Convention? Is it be "taken into account", together with the context, as a subsequent agreement or practice under Article 31.3 of the Vienna Convention?
  3. What are the six categories of measures that restrict market access and that are contained in GATS Article XVI:2?
  4. When will "supplementary means" of interpretation the Vienna Convention be applied?
  5. Could you please explain why Mexico acted inconsistently with Section 5(b) of the GATS Annex on Telecommunications?
  6. Could you please explain why Mexico failed to maintain appropriate measures to prevent anti-competitive practices?
  五、 结合美国博彩案WTO上诉机构报告,请回答以下问题:
  1. What is the difference between the context and preparatory work?
  2. Does the 1993 Scheduling Guidelines constitute relevant preparatory work or context? Please explain the reason.
  3. Does United States act consistently with its obligations under Article XVI:1 and Article XVI:2(a) and (c) of the GATS? Please explain the reason.
  4. How does GATS Article XIV on general exceptions be applied?
  5. How does the burden of proof be scattered in terms of the alternative measures?
  6. Does United States act inconsistently with the chapeau of GATS Article XIV? Please explain the reason.
  7. What are the factors that need to be considered in the weighting and balancing process?
  8. If the commitment was not explicitly clear is it fair for the WTO to rule against the US?
  六、 结合中国出版物案WTO上诉机构报告,请回答以下问题:
  1. Does the dictionary meaning equate with ordinary meaning of the entry? Please explain the reason.
  2. What are the context factors considered by the Appellate Body in interpreting China’s GATS schedule entry?
  3. Has the objectives listed in the GATS preamble provides specific guidance as to the correct interpretation to be given to China's GATS Schedule entry "Sound recording distribution services"? Please explain the reason.
  4. What is Appellate Body's approach to the "necessity" analysis under the GATT? Can it be applied to the GATS "necessity" test?
  5. Does the Appellate Body agree that the principle of in dubio mitius is relevant in the present case? Please explain the reason.
  6. Should the meaning of the GATS schedule entry be changed with time? Please explain the reason.

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